- Dura sp. have a thin mesokarpa,a large kernel and thick shells
- Pisifera sp. have thick mesokarpa,thin shells and small kernel
- Pisifera and Dura sp. are crushed to produce Tenera sp. varieties
- Tenera sp. is thick mesokarpa,thin shells and a large kernel
b) Animal Breeding
- breeding breeds of Friesian sp. and bull breeds of Shahiwal sp.
- produce cattle of Mafriwal sp.
- produce a lot of milk and supply a lot of meat
c) Tissue Culture Techniques
1.Hydroponic Method
- The young plant tissue is immersed into a culture medium containing all the nutrients and hormones
- Then becomes embryo and transferred into another container as a seeding
- Plants are supported by the former and the roots are soaked in a solvent culture solution
2.Aeroponic Method
- The plant is supported by a frame whose roots in the air are sprayed with a complete culture solution
d) Genetic engineering involves the manipulation of genes that are transmitted in or out of organisms
e) Rotary planting can reduce soil burden
f) Stripped cultivation is practiced with a piece of land divided into several strips with different plants
- Reducing the risk of soil erosion and leakage
g) Biological control using natural predators
The Development of Food Processing Technology
h) Using preservatives,flavors,dryes
- killing microorganisms using salt,sugar and vinegar
i) Drying food or heated at high temperature
- fish and shrimp dried
- The spores form will not be active when the food boils
j) Add yeast to fermentation and produce ethanol to kill microorganisms
- tapai and tempeh
k) Milk condensation that is heated with high temperatures followed by instant cooling
l) Freezing to preserve raw meat
m) Canning by sterilizing food at temperatures above 100C under high pressure
n) Food damage due to oxidation can be prevented by BHA