Photo = light
- Photosynthesis is the process that plants undergo in order to transform solar energy into chemical energy stored in the bonds of sugar molecules
Carbon dioxide gas + Water ----------> glucose + oxygen

Function Of Leaf Structure
- the main photosynthesis organs of a plant which adopted to carry out photosynthesis efficiently
- It grows so that they overlap each other as little as possible.This management called a leaf mosaic which enables leaves to receive as much light as possible
- Plant can detects the direction of light so that their leaves are always absorb the maximum amount of light
- A leaf consists of a flat,thin lamina which is joined to the stem by a petiole
- Xylem transports water absorbed and Phloem transports organic product
- Both the upper and lower surfaces of a leaf consists of a protective layer of epidermis
- The outer surface of both epidermis is coated by cuticle,which helps prevent excessive water loss
- The epidermis of a leaf has tiny pores called stomata which flanked by guard cell
- Inside a leaf are a few layers of cell collectively called mesophyll
- In the leaves of dicotyledons,the mesophyll can be divided into:
- a)Palisade Mesophyll b)Spongy Mesophyll
Hibiscus sp.
- more stomata on the lower epidermal layer than on the upper epidermal layer
- shiny layer of wax covers the epidermis
- transculent layer of epidermis
- high chloroplast density in the palisade mesophyll layer that faces the sun
- network of veins within the leaf
Cactus sp.
- leaves in the form of needles
- have succulent stems
- have fewer stomata on their stems
- stomata are sunken into the epidermis
- waxy and thick cuticle covers the epidermis
- have green stems
Nymphae sp.
- leaf tissues are full of air spaces
- have flat leaves
- all stomata located only on the upper epidermis
- waxy cuticle covers the upper epidermis
- transparent layer of epidermis cells
- palisade layer have a lot of chloroplast
Hydrilla sp.
- no stomata
- many small leaves
- tissues full of air spaces
- very little or no cuticle on outer surface of epidermis
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