Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Movement Of Substances Across Plasma Membrane;Biology Chapter 3

Image result for plasma membrane

Plasma Membrane

Components of Plasma Membrane

  • Phospholipid bilayer separates both sides of the membrane

  • Cholestrol

  • Links fatty acids of the phospholipids
  • Stabilizes and strenghthens
  • Makes plasma membrane more flexible and less permeable to water soluble substances

Phospholipid Molecule

  • Consists of phosphate ion
  • Hydrophilic
  • Can dissolve in water
  • Polar

  • Consists of lipid
  • Hydrophobic
  • Can't dissolve in water
  • Non-Polar


Passive Transport-Simple Diffusion
                             -Facilitated Diffusion
                             -Without using energy
                              -High concentration  to low concentration

Active Transport- Using Energy
                           - Low concentration to high concentration

                                         Image result for simple diffusion

Simple Diffusion

Meaning-Movement of the molecules from the region of high concentration to low concentration
until equilibrium is achieve

There are only two molecules that can pass hydrophobic region is known as:

1.Hydrophobic molecules such as:

-Vitamin A,D,E and K

2.Small and uncharged molecules 

-Carbon dioxide

                                             Image result for osmosis


Meaning-Movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration to a region low concentration

-Only H2O molecules from solution can pass through the semi permeable membrane

                                      Image result for facilitated diffusion
Facilitated Diffusion

Type of molecules which pass through:

1. Pore protein- Na+ , K+

2.Carrier protein - Glucose , Amino acids

Meaning-It transports of molecules or ion to region from high concentration to region low concentration without using energy

1.Glucose from outside will attach at carrier protein

2.It attach will causes the carrier protein change it shape

3.The glucose will dettach and it transported into the cell without using energy

                                 Image result for active transport

Active Transport

Meaning-It transports from region low concentration to region high concentration and using energy with help of carrier protein

Example of molecules:

* Calcium ion
*Mineral ion

1.The Calcium ion from outside will attach at carrier protein

2.ATP energy will hydrolysis to ADP + Phosphate group

3.The phosphate group will attach to carrier protein

4.The carrier protein will uses the energy from phosphate group to change it shape

5.The Calcium ion dettach and enter into the cell with using energy

                                           Image result for sel dalam larutan hipertonik

Animal Cell


Meaning-The solution which have higher concentration of water molecules (H2O)

-The water molecules will enter into the cytoplasm of red blood cell

-Red blood cell will keep on expand 

-Since red blood cell does'nt have cell wall,the water molecules seep into red blood cell causes it expands

-And then,red blood cell will undergo hemolysis and burst


Meaning-The solution which have same concentration with cytoplasm solution

-There is no movement and the animal cell will keep remain


Meaning-The solution which have lower concentration of water molecules (H2O)

-The water molecules from cytoplasm red blood cell seep out to the hypertonic solution

-It will become smaller 

-Crenation of red blood cells will occur

Plant cell

                                        Image result for sel dalam larutan hipertonik


-There is no net of water molecules movement

-The plant cell wall will remains it shape


-The water molecules enter from the hypotonic solution into cytoplasm of the cell 

-It will causes the vacuole to be expand

-And then,cytoplasm will push until the cell wall

-The plant cell will turgid


-The water molecules will seep out from cytoplasm of the cell to the hypertonic cell

-It will causes the vacuole to be smaller

-The plant cell will become flaccid

-The plant cell undergo plasmolysis process

-If want the plant cell back to normal shape,we must put it in hypotonic solution

-The process is known as deplamolysis

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