Monday 28 January 2019

Nutrition:Malnutrition:Biology Chapter 6

Image result for malnutrition

It is disease created by relative of absolute deficiency all excess of once on more nutrients.There are three types which is:

  • malnourished
  • undernourished
  • overnourished

Factors of malnutrition:
  • lack of awareness of food and nutrition
  • unhealthy eating habits
  • eating disorders poor absorption of nutrients rich in proteins and carbohydrates
  • weight wasn't proportional to his height and age

Effects of Nutrient Deficiency

Image result for kwashiorkor and marasmus

  • Kwashiorkor
- scaly skin,unhealthy muscle and thin hair
- weak,reddish,brown hair
  • Marasmus

Image result for scurvy

2.Vitamin C
  • Scurvy
- causing tooth gums to bleed and swollen

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Image result for osteoporosis

3.Vitamin D
  • Ricket
- stunted growth

  • Osteoporosis
- reduce mineral density and cause bone fragility

Image result for constipation

4.Dietary Fiber
  • Constipation
- causes difficulties in decomposition and colon cancer

Image result for dehydration

  • Dehydration

 Excessive Nutrient Extraction Effects

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  • Obesity

Image result for acid uric in blood

  • Raises the content of uric acid in the blood

Image result for blood pressure,heart attack and stroke
  • Blood pressure will rise when the lining of the blood vessels is blocked by cholesterol
  • A heart attack or a stroke can occur in the blood stuck

    Image result for liver damage

    4.Vitamin A

    • Causing liver and bone damage

    Image result for excessive calcium in the bloodstream

    5.Vitamin D
    • Causing excessive Calcium in the blood

    Image result for kidney disease

    • Increases the risk of kidney disease


      • Increases the risk of kidney disease
      • Blood pressure will rise when the lining of the blood vessels is blocked by cholesterol

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